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May 2022 - Parkin Crafts
What to Look For in Hiring Tree Care Companies

What to Look For in Hiring Tree Care Companies

If you’re wondering what to look for in hiring a tree care company, keep reading. In this article, we’ll discuss Certification, Experience, Insurance, and Equipment. By the time you’re done, you should have a better understanding of which companies...
Signs You Must Change Your Laptop Battery ASAP 

Signs You Must Change Your Laptop Battery ASAP 

There are a few signs your laptop or phone battery is dead and that it’s time to replace it. Overcharging, swollen battery, and low power are just some of the symptoms. If your battery is showing any of these signs, it’s probably time for an upgrade and...
Easy and Quick Steps on How to Improve Your Google Rankings

Easy and Quick Steps on How to Improve Your Google Rankings

In this article, I’m going to give you three tips on improving your Google rankings in under 10 minutes. I’ll talk about Long-form content, Internal links, Mobile responsiveness, and duplicate content. These are all vital in getting higher rankings and...
Several Things to Consider Before Buying a Home

Several Things to Consider Before Buying a Home

There are several things to consider before choosing among Kitsap County homes for sale. It is an important decision and you should be prepared to make many decisions. From getting preapproved for a mortgage to finding a house in your ideal neighborhood, there is a...