Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/fvplbzly/public_html/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/functions.php on line 5586
October 2022 - Parkin Crafts
The Dos and Don’ts of Teeth Whitening

The Dos and Don’ts of Teeth Whitening

After teeth whitening, patients should be aware of the Dos and Donts of maintaining their new smile. These guidelines include avoiding acidic foods and drinks, not smoking and practicing good oral hygiene. The first 24 hours are critical since the teeth are open to...
Making the Most Out of EDI Integration

Making the Most Out of EDI Integration

When it comes to EDI integration, you can take several approaches. One method is to connect directly to each business partner, thereby delegating the translation and mapping of documents to the other organization. While this method can be effective if you have a small...