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10 Painting Tips & Tricks - Parkin Crafts

Here are painting secrets that can help you save a great deal of money, time, and effort while making any paint job more incredible:

  1. Use Tinfoil on your Paint Tray

Whenever you need to cover your paint tray, use a layer of tinfoil for it is much convenient and comfortable when it comes to disposing of – you have to remove it and throw it away.

  1. Use a Paint Pour Lid

Your paint tray can get messing whenever you pour paint straight from the gallon; thus, it might be a great idea if you get a paint pour lid to avoid having paint in places where you don’t want them.

  1. Use Vinegar and Hot Water

When cleaning your brushes, use vinegar and hot water. Fill a small bowl with equal parts of both vinegar and hot water, soak your paint brushes for at least 30 minutes, and wash them with soap afterward.

  1. Use Mineral Spirits

When using oil-based medium, the vinegar trick might not work. Instead, try using mineral spirits in cleaning your brushes. There are available products in the market that can help you clean your brushes while maintaining their quality.

  1. Buy a Paint Sample Instead of Buying Directly a Gallon

It might save you costs if you decide to buy a paint sample and test it, instead of buying a whole gallon and find out that it doesn’t work too well with what you are expecting.

  1. Create Your Chalk Paint

Chalk paint is a great time saver for it is a type of paint that adheres very well. Aside from that, it also saves you the hassle of having to prime. To make your version, you can use plain interior paint mixed with other ingredients that best suits your preference. Just mix and combine your ingredients thoroughly and evenly.

  1. Correct Type of Clear Coat Finish

Some coat finish can affect the layer of color that you want to coat or even yellow over as time passes by. Whenever you choose a top coat, it is vital to be careful so as not to regret over the after effects. There are available products in the market that come in a wide variety to help you choose the best top coat.

  1. Create any Color Paint into Fabric Paint

Fabric paint can be easily achieved whenever your mix any textile medium with any acrylic paint.

  1. Update Your Metallic Accents

There are products and material available in craft stores that can provide you better metallic finishes and effects.

  1. Spraypainting

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get things done when it comes to recoloring things is to use spraypainting. From recoloring and covering colors, there are different types and kinds of spray paints that can aid you in this purpose.