There is an unreasonable charm about oil painting that has placed a few artists off from discovering them If you are aware of the correct techniques for oil painting, this medium provides beautiful surface textures and richness of color. You can paint thin or thick, use glazes or paint directly. Oils can be utilized on wood, paper, plastic, metal, canvas and much more types of surfaces.

If you are just beginning to explore this medium, do not be overwhelmed. You have to be patient with yourself and know that it will take some time for you to get used to this great medium. However, you must not overcomplicate things either. The following are 5 major essentials you will need to paint using oils.

  1. Color’s spectrum

There are a ton of colors to select from, however begin with a primary palette that incorporates the spectrum to provide you a great mix of cool and warm hues. The majority of art materials are sold in approximately 2 grades: professional and student. If possible, you can buy professional-grade materials due to the fact that the paint goes further and it almost stays longer. Moreover, pro-grade oils has more pigment, resulting to more accurate mixing of colors, and more sunlight-resistant.

  1. Wide range of brushes

The wide variety of brushes that you can utilize for oil painting can be overwhelming and confusing. Hog bristle brushes are not too expensive and it is quite versatile. It also enables you to use it on different applications. Meanwhile, finer-haired brushes, both synthetic and natural, can create very fine details and provide you an even smoother finish.

  1. Pallete

You will require a palette for your paint. This can be a handheld wood palette, a clean tabletop or a piece of glass that can be scraped clean easily. Regardless of what you utilize, select something that is quite large for you to mix the colors easily and that can be utilized ergonomically.

  1. A surface to paint

Canvas, wood and linen are the most typical surfaces to paint on. You will have to prime the surface with a ground or gesso to avoid the acids on the paint from becoming directly in contact with it. Acrylic gesso is simple to utilize and it can be used with a roller or a brush.

  1. A comfy easel

You have to select an easel that is ideal for your preferred style when it comes to painting. A solid easel is essential so that your work is safe, stable and it will stay at great working height as you paint. You can buy larger H-frame style studio models– which are made to stay in situ–, a portable metal tri-pod style or a folding French-style field easels.