Many seniors place a high value on their independence. The loss of that independence can be devastating.

Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to help ensure a sense of independence in assisted living. Let’s explore some of those steps. They include: 1. Staying Active. Staying physically active will improve strength, balance and mobility and promote mental health.

1. Stay Active

Maintaining a sense of independence can be difficult for seniors when they begin to depend on assistance with everyday tasks. This can often occur gradually, with the senior not even realizing that they’re becoming dependent on outside help. While independence is important for all adults, it’s especially crucial for seniors as they age. The loss of independence can have a negative impact on mental, emotional, and physical health for many seniors.

Fortunately, there are a variety of ways that seniors can stay independent in assisted living. One way is by staying active. This can be as simple as participating in exercise classes or taking daily walks around the community. It can also include continuing or starting hobbies that they enjoy. Hobbies are a great way to keep the mind sharp and social skills honed, which is why many assisted living communities offer clubs and activities that encourage this type of engagement.

Another way to stay active is by keeping in touch with family and friends. Keeping in contact with loved ones helps seniors feel connected to others and boosts self-esteem. Additionally, it can help prevent isolation, which is a common problem among seniors.

Staying active can also be achieved by maintaining a routine and ensuring that seniors have a say in their day-to-day schedules. By fostering decision-making and empowerment, it can give seniors a sense of control over their lives and make them feel more independent within the assisted living community.

In addition, many assisted living communities have a variety of technology to help residents stay safe and healthy. For example, many have personal emergency response systems (PERS) that can be activated with the press of a button. These devices can provide peace of mind for seniors and their families, as well as a greater sense of independence.

2. Get Involved in Activities

Assisted living facilities typically have an extensive schedule of social activities that help residents form friendships and can offer personalized care tailored to each resident’s needs. It’s important to encourage your loved one to participate, as these interactions can boost their self-esteem and promote a sense of independence.

Involvement in cultural events helps seniors connect with their roots and foster a sense of pride. They may also gain a better understanding of different perspectives and traditions, which can contribute to emotional well-being.

Many communities also host regular meetings with their residents to discuss care plans, address any concerns, or just share feedback on the experience. Be sure to attend these meetings and make your voice heard, as it’s vital for maintaining a healthy relationship with the staff and helping to ensure your needs are met.

A common concern for older adults moving to assisted living is a loss of independence. However, it’s important to remember that they can still manage their own daily routine, including grooming, bathing, and eating, even if they need assistance with certain tasks.

In addition to providing a variety of social and physical activities, many assisted living facilities offer tools and technology that allow residents to remain independent, such as mobile apps and devices that assist with grooming and medication reminders. Additionally, they often provide a range of options for daily tasks, like selecting meals or choosing activities, so that seniors can choose how they wish to spend their time and still feel empowered.

It’s important for seniors to make friends and participate in activities so that they can continue to enjoy the things they love. They can start by finding out what their hobbies are and participating in group activities that are related to those interests. For example, some seniors might enjoy playing brain games or chatting with others who have similar interests.

3. Bring Your Hobbies

Hobbies provide purpose and meaning in a person’s life, and the sense of achievement that comes with advancing skills and gaining knowledge is just as important in senior retirement as it is for any other age group. Hobbies in assisted living are an excellent way to keep seniors mentally stimulated and socially engaged, helping them feel more independent.

Hobbies can also help them develop friendships with others who share their interests. Many senior homes offer classes and activities like drawing, painting, and knitting. They may even have origami groups where residents fold paper into elaborate sculptures, from animals to vases and more. This form of art requires focus and attention, and it’s proven to improve memory and reasoning abilities.

When packing for an assisted living move, be sure to include any supplies and equipment your loved one uses in their hobbies. Bringing these items can make them feel more at home in their new environment. They should also bring personal care items, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, and clothing they can easily wear in a variety of weather conditions. Ask the facility about closet space and whether they provide dressers, which will help determine how many clothes they should pack.

If your parent loves gardening, consider if they can have a raised garden bed in their room, or if they can participate in community gardens. You can also look into a PERS system, a device worn on the wrist or neck that lets your loved one call for assistance with the press of a button. Smart technology, such as voice assistants from Amazon or Google, are also becoming popular among seniors and can help them stay connected to family and friends, set reminders, and control their home devices through simple voice commands.

4. Stay Connected with Others

Maintaining a sense of independence in assisted living often depends on the strength and support of one’s community. Whether it’s through socializing with fellow residents or participating in activities, seniors should work to stay engaged. This is vital in fostering a sense of belonging and promoting their mental health.

Getting out and about is key to maintaining independence, even if it’s just for a quick walk around the facility. This will help them get accustomed to their new surroundings and build relationships with other residents. It’s also important to continue existing hobbies and interests or learn something new. Many communities have clubs or groups for residents with similar interests, which can be an excellent way to connect with people and make new friends.

Keep in touch with family and friends outside of the facility, as well. Ensure to schedule regular visits, calls, or video chats with loved ones to combat feelings of isolation. Ask them about their day-to-day activities, any new friends they’ve made, and other fun tidbits. This will show them that you care about their independence and provide a platform to discuss other aspects of their lives.

For those who live far away, leverage technology such as FaceTime or a device like the GrandPad that allows for a more hands-free video calling experience with the same privacy settings as a smartphone. Similarly, sharing photos and documenting daily experiences can help your loved one feel involved with you. Personalized gifts, letters, and other items can also help them feel cherished and connected to you, even at a physical distance. The most important thing is to establish open communication and let them know their opinions and preferences are valued, regardless of their situation.

5. Communicate Your Needs

Clearly communicate your preferences, needs, and lifestyle choices with assisted living staff to help shape your experience. This can be done in an assertive, respectful manner. Involve family members in the conversation to make it as supportive as possible.

Keeping an open line of communication and fostering relationships with staff can improve the chances that your loved one’s independence will be maintained in assisted living. This is because a person’s independence can often erode when they become overly reliant on in-home caregivers or family members to perform daily tasks, and this can result in a decreased sense of autonomy.

To maintain their independence, senior citizens in assisted living should try to complete as many tasks on their own as possible and be prepared to accept assistance when it’s needed. Involving them in decision-making is an essential part of fostering this sense of independence, and this can be accomplished by involving them in the process of planning their activities, preparing meals, and other daily chores.

It’s also important for seniors to eat nutritious, well-balanced meals that are tailored to their specific nutritional needs. They should try to avoid foods high in fat, sugar, or salt. Fortunately, most assisted living communities offer nutrient-rich meal options and nutritionists or dietitians can help residents plan healthy meals.

It’s also crucial for seniors to maintain an active physical activity level that is appropriate for their health status, and they should be sure to decorate their living space with items that are familiar and comfortable. This will make it feel more like home, and they should always remember to respect their privacy and personal space. They should also communicate any changes in their needs to staff members to ensure that the residence continues to provide a high standard of care.