Initiating an arts and crafts training class for kids is one among many profitable businesses. As something that can be home-based, it can be an opportunity for someone to make a profit over something that can be very convenient and educational for it can significantly improve not just your student’s skills, but also yours.

Here are tips and steps that can help you in starting your arts and crafts class for children:

Knowledge and Training

Ideally, you should know arts for you even to have a grasp of what you intend to start, which is an arts and crafts class. If you already have training and knowledge in the field of art, then you won’t have to worry about yourself; however, if you don’t have any, then it might be ideal if you take at least 2-3 months of training

If you’re not a graduate or a diploma hold in the field of art, you need not worry for there are still available sources and tutorials that can be found in the web; you have to search and see which one best serves you. Also, there are also available books and modules in bookstores that can help you enhance your skills and knowledge.

Here are the essential knowledge and training areas that you have to be at least well-acquainted with for your class to be thriving.

Pencils – There are a wide variety and types of pencils that serve specific uses and purposes. For example, there is a huge difference between 2B pencils and 2H pencils. This fact only emphasizes your need to be knowledgeable about these things, and incorporate it into your curriculum.

Brushes and Colors – Just like pencils, brushes, and colors also come in different types and characteristics. Mediums like oil pastels, crayons, paints and others are among the most common things that you should get acquainted with, as well as the different kinds of brushes.

Shapes and Lines – Be well-acquainted with all types of shapes: oval, triangle, rectangle, square, circle, etc. Also, improve your skill in drawing a line like slanting, dotted, wavy, curvy, and other types of lines.

Basic elements – Drawings like trees, clouds, flowers, islands, water, mountains, and houses are among the most basic drawings you should get familiar with. In the same manner, get yourself to draw some advanced elements too such as buildings, a house with a garden, and others.

Shading – Be knowledgeable about basic shading and coloring that children at a young age can understand and grasp.

Drawing figures – Learn to draw figures such as animals, birds, and even human beings with the help and aid of basic shapes.

Materials for Craft – Have basic knowledge about the various craft products that are available in the market such as papers, sheets, pens, cardboard, and others.


Naturally, no business ever becomes successful without any investments in the first place. With that being said, if starting an arts and crafts classes also entail some investments that you should be able to do. Purchasing items such as tables and chairs, basic materials, and drawing books are among the most important investments that you should buy. Aside from that, you should also spend resources dedicated to advertising such as pamphlets and card that contain information about your class.

Planning a Curriculum

Plan and tailor your curriculum for at least a year, with at least 3 classes in a week. Divide each session or class in a way that you can cater lessons and hands-on exercises for your students. Also, you should be able to consider your student’s pacing. Start from the basics before you proceed to more advanced lessons and exercises. Ideally, you should also categorize or group your students based on their age; this way, you will be able to tailor and suit your lessons better in accordance to your student’s expectations when it comes to the level of difficulty and knowledge that they can learn in your classes.


One of the best ways of starting this type of business if when you start it in the comfort of your own home otherwise choose a place that’s populated. Aside from that, you also have the option of sharing a space with a playschool or a coaching center.

Choose a Name

Think and brainstorm of a catchy name that can capture the interest of your target niche. Make use of colors or even famous characters in the field of art, and do a wordplay to make it appealing.

Hire Teachers

Once your business is progressive and doing very well, you might not be able to teach your student all by yourself; thus, it might be a great idea if you hire other teachers to help you make your business more successful.